My husband came downstairs from putting Alexis to bed and asked me, “Did you make night waffles?” Of course not. Don’t be silly. I made peanut clusters. 26 weeks pregnant and I am ravenous. Even though my stomach is shrinking, I just couldn’t stop eating today. I have chocolate on the brain, and haven’t quite been able to satisfy my craving. Perhaps it was the fasting that started last night and didn’t end until lunch today, for my glucose tolerance test, that has made me so hungry.
Baby boy is growing. He’s kicking, punching, and doing barrel rolls increasingly frequently, and they are definitely getting stronger. I’m feeling fuller and more squished inside. Hello, heartburn. I’m also getting more clumsy–I broke a plate tonight–and I’ve started having the weird sparkly lights at the edge of my vision that I experienced last time I was pregnant. I had my eyes checked last time and the verdict was that I was having ocular migraines, which are bizarre painless migraines with auras, so I’m guessing that’s what’s happening again. I’ll take it over painful migraines any day.
There are less than 100 days left! Baby is going to be here in 14 weeks, which seems so soon, and we still have most everything to do. No name picked out yet, and the room destined to be the nursery is still very much a guest room, but I have started to give some thought to decorating the nursery. It will be fun to get started on that. First step? Going out and buying flooring for the basement, to replace what was damaged last April during a flood. Once we get a floor down there again, we can start clearing out the new nursery.